Good Friday

Daily Reflection

Good Friday

O, happy fault!

From today’s Scripture: “…he will take away the sins of many and win pardon for their offenses.” —Is 53:12

As a youth I never understood why they called this day “good.” It is the darkest day in the history of the world. The one I sang about, ”Jesus loves me this I know,” was killed, bloodily crucified, by the people He came to serve. All his friends ran away. His mother is crying because her Son is killed in front of her. How can this sad day be good?

As a priest it is clear to me that without this act of self-sacrifice I and all whom I love, would not be saved. The One totally innocent without sin, the One who is pure love, the One who healed, taught, and forgave, was hung on the cross so we can enter heaven. This is what is good, and so very good. Our past, our foolishness, our sinfulness, is wiped away and a new beginning is given us when we repent. This act of death brings us new life. This is why we can proclaim “God is Good. All the time. All the time. God is good.”

Let us pray: O Lord, may I trust your goodness. Thank you for forgiving my sins. Thank you for redeeming the world. Help me be self-sacrificing for the sake of others. Help me love as you love me. May the goodness of this Friday always be in my heart, mind and soul.”




Today’s author is Glenmary Father Steven Pawelk, our Novitiate Director.



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