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First Sunday of Advent

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From today’s Scripture: “…be blameless in holiness…”—1 Thes 3:13

Happy Advent! It’s that beautiful liturgical season which barely scores a footnote with the barrage of things Christmas. (I saw my first Christmas tree displayed this year on October 9.) Advent marks a new beginning. For me as a priest, once again returning to the beginning of the missal on the altar speaks to me of another opportunity for a fresh start. It’s a gift that those who died last year cannot receive.

Paul’s words to the Thessalonians challenge us: “Be blameless in holiness.” As children we associate blameless with “I didn’t do it!” I submit we attain blameless status not only from what we don’t do, but also from the good we do.

Let us pray: Lord, thank you for another Advent, a season of grace to draw closer to you.


Today’s author is Father Chet Artysiewicz, a member of Glenmary’s Development Office.


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