Donating appreciated real estate, such as a home, farm, vacation property, undeveloped land or commercial property, can support the ministry of The Glenmary Home Missioners.
A gift of real property may be donated to The Glenmary Home Missioners by executing or signing a deed transferring ownership. You may deed all or part of your real property to The Glenmary Home Missioners. The date that Glenmary receives a properly executed deed is the delivery date. If the deed must be recorded to effectuate title under local law, the delivery date is the date of the recording. Your gift will generally be based on the property’s fair market value, which must be established by an independent appraisal.
Donors who intend to gift real estate to The Glenmary Home Missioners must make their gift proposal in writing for review by the Glenmary Gift Acceptance Committee. Required documentation for the proposal includes title, real estate deed, qualified appraisal, environmental audit, market feasibility study, property survey, recent tax and utility bills, substantiation of zoning status and other disclosure documentation as applicable to the property.
Potential gifts of real estate should meet the following criteria:
For more information about gifts of real estate or gift acceptance procedures, please contact us at 513 874-8900 or use our contact form.
A one-time or monthly donation to Glenmary makes you our partner in sharing God’s love and mercy in Appalachia and the rural South.
This information is not legal advice. A donor should seek the guidance of a qualified estate and/or tax professional to understand the consequences of a gift.
Glenmary Home Missioners
Tax ID: # 31-0537070
Physical Address:
4119 Glenmary Trace, Fairfield, OH 45014
Mailing Address:
PO Box 465618, Cincinnati, OH 45246-5618
Glenmary does not sell or trade its donor personal or contact information with anyone else, nor send mailings on behalf of other organizations.
4119 Glenmary Trace, Fairfield, OH 45014
Mailing Address: PO Box 465618, Cincinnati OH 45246