The primary purpose of the Glenmary Archives is to serve as a depository for official Society records and manuscripts. The Archive works to collect, organize, preserve, and make available these documents and general information that will make the history and purpose of the Glenmary Society more available to the scholarly community and all branches of the Glenmary administration.
Catalog and maintain all records of historical importance for the Society, including correspondence, journals, photographs, videos, manuscripts and maps.
Mission Histories
Religious Census
The purpose of the Communications and Marketing department is to share Glenmary’s story, educate Catholics about the home missions, and invite Catholics to respond to their call to be missionary.
We educate, motivate, and invite the public to join and support Glenmary through our magazines: Glenmary Challenge and El Reto. We upkeep a variety of content through social media including stories, photos, and videos. We assist other departments in Glenmary with a variety of projects to help expand the Glenmary’s presence.
Glenmary is supported entirely through freewill offerings. This office is responsible for all fundraising programs, including solicitation, acknowledgment, cultivation, and stewardship of Glenmary’s generous supporters.
The management of direct mail appeals, major donor solicitation, recurring giving; gifts through wills and trusts, IRA and retirement funds, charitable gift annuities, stock and other non-cash giving; acknowledgment of all donations; annual tax receipts; coordination of annual Mission Cooperative Plan; foundation and grant applications; donor events and the stewardship of all donor relationships.
The Ecumenical ministry of Glenmary Home Missioners seeks to enhance understanding, reduce alienation and foster reconciliation between the Catholic Church and both Evangelicals and Pentecostal.
Our ministry serves in national leadership to deepen Christian unity between the three largest bodies of Christians in the US: Catholics, Pentecostals and Evangelicals. This includes supporting our missions in rural America as well as partnering with denominational leaders, Bishops, and ministry leaders to create local expressions of ecumenism.
Developing an evangelical concern for the spiritual welfare of all people to the point where it finds expression in the ongoing efforts of Catholics to proclaim the gospel to the unchurched, if possible, in collaboration with other Christians.
Promote the evangelization of non-Christians by directing and supervising efforts toward, and personally being involved in, deepening relationships, promoting dialogue, living charity, and intentionally sharing the fullness of the gospel, with non-Christians. Non-Christians is delineated as individuals who self-identify with, or are living, as ‘unaffiliated,’ unchurched,’ or NONES (indicating that they have no religious preference), even though they may have some background in Christianity.
In collaboration with the Executive Council, this office carries out the financial, legal, property, and human resources administration of Glenmary Home Missioners.
The management of annual budgets, financial accounts, investments, retirement plan, employee health & welfare benefits, vehicle management, property management, expense management, and mission support. Consultation services to the Glenmary Charity, Inc.
The Home Missioners of America
Financial Statements with Supplementary Information
June 30, 2024, and 2023 and
Independent Auditors’ Report
The goal of Glenmary’s Formation Department is to facilitate and guide the task of providing dedicated Glenmary Missioners who are adequately developed as Christian persons committed to the public witness of the evangelical counsels lived in the context of the Glenmary way of life and who have the qualified skills of Priests or Brothers so that they can serve effectively in the apostolate of Glenmary.
Glenmary’s Formation Department works with all of Glenmary’s men in formation to help them discern their call to, and deepen their appropriation of, the Glenmary Way of Life. Glenmary’s Way of Life involves priests and Brothers serving in rural areas and small towns of the United States where the Catholic population is less than 1 percent, and where the Catholic Church is not fully established. Glenmary’s 3 stages of formation are the Pre-Novitiate, the Novitiate, and the Post-Novitiate. These stages involve formal studies, cultivation of one’s relationship with God, appropriation of Glenmary’s charism, and mission experiences.
Glenmary’s Formation Manual
Constitution and Directory
Program for Priestly Formation 6th Edition
Glenmary’s president leads a three-person executive council consisting of himself and two vice presidents to lead and provide direction for the Glenmary community.
Council Highlights (internal)
Council Bulletin (internal)
Constitution and Directory (internal)
Hearts on Fire
The Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) office helps to build the capacity of Glenmary mission parishes and ecumenical partners to engage the Church’s social mission. With the JPIC Commission, this office also guides Glenmary’s national and regional efforts to confront systemic injustices and promote the common good.
Formation in the Church’s social mission, including Catholic social teaching; application of Catholic social teaching to current realities; training in parish social ministry; collaboration with national, regional, diocesan, and ecumenical social ministry organizations; dissemination of information about key social issues, especially those prevalent in Glenmary mission territory.
The vocations department works to invite men to discern with Glenmary’s ministry.
The department works together to recruit and visit vocation prospects while aiding them in discerning what God is calling them to do.
The goal of the program is to connect young people with God, help them find Christ in others, and teach them to serve others first and put themselves second.
Glenmary Home Missioners welcome school and adult groups for week-long immersion trips to our volunteer missionary program. Groups are limited to no more than 24 members, aged 14 and over. The volunteer missionary trips is designed to give individuals a first-hand experience of missionary service in rural Appalachia.
4119 Glenmary Trace, Fairfield, OH 45014
Mailing Address: PO Box 465618, Cincinnati OH 45246