From today’s Scripture: “He put his finger into the man’s ears and, spitting, touched his tongue; then he looked up to heaven and groaned, and said to him, ‘Ephphatha!’ (that is, ‘Be opened!’).”—Mk 7:33-34
The prophet Isaiah speaks of the coming Messiah as one who will unstop the ears of the deaf and loosen the tongues of the mute. This passage speaks to the fulfillment of this prophecy, this promise. Let us glory in the promise-keeping God who has come to us to free us from our bondage of sin and to make us new.
Let us pray: Merciful Father, you keep your promises forever. Grant us the grace to hold fast to hope, knowing that you will give us ears to hear your word and loosened tongues that we might rejoice in the promise fulfilled.
Today’s author is Nathan Smith, the Director of Ecumenism for Glenmary and Field Representative for the U.S. Catholic bishops.
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