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Since entering the Glenmary Missioners as a postulant in 1964, Brother Curt Kedley has served in a variety of ministries in social work and outreach. His assignments have taken him to North Carolina, Ohio, Georgia, Kentucky, Oklahoma, and now back to North Carolina, where he resides in the Windsor, seat of rural Bertie County. “I always had a strong affinity for people who lived on the edge and a strong interest in social ministry,” says Brother Curt.

Among his many ministries within the Glenmary community, Brother Curt helped start a shelter/workshop for emotionally and mentally challenged individuals in the 1970s. “It was one of my favorite assignments and the shelter is still going strong today,” he noted.

Ten years ago, Brother Curt chose senior status within Glenmary. “I got a little more freedom when I turned 70. Senior members are encouraged to stay engaged in the missions, but don’t have the assignable ministries that younger Glenmarians have.”

After struggling with how to proceed in this next chapter of ministry, Brother Curt chose “beautification projects. I’ve always been aware of the trash around the neighborhood, and I walk a lot. So, I take a couple grocery bags and pick up trash while I walk.”

In the meditative silence of what is usually a 45-minute walk, Brother Curt remembers those Glenmarians who died. “I talk to them a lot and say ‘I need your help.’ They’re partners in ministry with me.”

Another beautification project involves interior painting in a nursing home where Brother Curt previously worked. “When I retired, the rooms were all an institutional green paint. I painted about 75 percent of the nursing home a creamy satin color over the past ten years. Something so simple makes a big difference in a resident’s life,” he comments.

Brother Curt, who normally rises at 5:30 a.m., said, “What gets me up in the morning is being grounded in prayer, ‘Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner’ is my mantra.” That is the widely used Jesus Prayer.

The Brother’s daily routine entails centering-prayer for half an hour, spiritual reading, and praying the breviary. “After an hour or so, I’ve been nourished and I’m ready to go. Contemplation and silence are important as we are overwhelmed with social media. God is present in the absence of noise and distraction. We’ve become isolated from those around us; let alone God,” Brother Curt insists.

One of many rewards of Brother Curt’s ministry is being with people on their journey through life. Whether it’s bringing Meals on Wheels to Donna on Mondays, taking ice cream to Bill in the nursing home or painting a bathroom door frame for the red-headed resident, “I want others to know that they’re loved,” says Brother Curt. A little loving attention delivers that Good News.

—Mary Ellen Pellegrini

Glenmary Farm

at Joppa Mountain
1943 Joppa Mountain Road
Rutledge, TN 37861
There are two housing facilities on our 10-acre site with enough space to accommodate groups of up to 25 people. Each house has a main living area, toilet, and shower. All living quarters have central heating and cooling.