From today’s Scripture: “He approached, grasped her hand, and helped her up. Then the fever left her and she waited on them.”—Mk 1:31
This is not a passage about how women should serve! It is all about the tenderness of Jesus’ response when he finds someone overcome by sickness and his immediate reaction to raise them out of their suffering. It seems he cannot refuse those who truly believe.
Scholars think this could be a resurrection account. In one act of Jesus’ compassion, Simon’s mother-in-law is set free of the sufferings and death that all of us encounter in our lives. As in all of Jesus’ healings, this is a sign of the day to come when we all will receive healing of mind, heart, and body.
The Sacred Heart on my desk that reminds me daily of the heart of Christ, who cannot wait to set me (us) free from the “fever” that separates us from others.
Let us pray: Sacred Heart of Jesus, please grasp me by your healing hands and raise me up. Help me to be the one who raises up members of my family, friends, and enemies out of their “fevers” so we can be brothers and sisters again.
Today’s author is Father Wil Steinbacher. He has served as pastor of a number of Glenmary missions, in prison ministry, as director of the Glenmary Research Center, and in Glenmary administration.
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