Easter Monday

Daily Reflection

Easter Monday

Run, and tell!


From today’s Scripture: Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went away quickly from the tomb, fearful yet overjoyed, and ran to announce the news to his disciples.”—Mt 28:8

You just had a baby! You just won the lottery! Your child just got accepted into the toughest program in the country! Your beloved just said Yes to your wedding proposal! There is some news that just cannot be held in. Imagine if you just encountered Jesus, awake, alive, approachable on your way to grieve his death.

The story of the Resurrection is a story for each of us. We see it again, and again, in our lives—if we listen deeply enough, we encounter Jesus every day. We may not be shouting from the rooftops, but how can we share this Good News?

Let us pray: Risen Lord. help me to see your risen self in the people I encounter today. Help me find ways to share that Good News with others.


Today’s author is John Feister, a widely published journalist and member of Glenmary’s Communications Team.


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