From today’s Scripture: “Just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so will the Son of Man be to this generation.”—Lk 11:30
Jonah was a reluctant prophet, ending up in the belly of a whale instead of answering God’s call to go to Nineveh with words of repentance. In the end, Jonah did take God’s message to the Ninevites, who changed their ways and were saved.
In contrast, Jesus, one greater than Jonah, the Son of God, is actively teaching, healing, and manifesting his father’s love only to be challenged and rejected by those who want to remain in power and do not want to change their ways. What is holding us back from recognizing the signs of God’s love in our lives and sharing that love with others?
Let us pray: My God, you sent your son to live among us and show us the way to everlasting life. Help me listen to his words and follow his example of kindness and compassion so that I, too, can be a sign of your love and share in your gift of salvation. Amen.
Today’s author is Chris Phelps, Director of Development for Glenmary Home Missioners.
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