From today’s Scripture: “Looking around at them with anger, and grieved at their hardness of heart, Jesus said to the man, ‘Stretch out your hand.’ He stretched it out and his hand was restored.”—Mk 3:5
Here is an opportunity for Jesus to perform a healing on the sabbath. After he does, the Pharisees plot to have him killed.
I find it fortunate that we have this Scriptural record that Jesus was both angry and grieved over his interaction with hard-hearted people. It is easier for me to think of Jesus as being meek and mild 24/7. That Jesus felt and publicly expressed strong emotions reminds me of his humanity. It also inspires me to be brave enough to express anger and grief when the situation calls for it or my faith demands it.
Let us pray: Lord, thank you for teaching us by your example how to be fully alive. We ask that you soften our hard hearts through our love for God and our neighbor.
Today’s author is Bill Goodwin, a volunteer writer who has served at the Glenmary Farm and at a mission parish and later worked at the Glenmary Research Center.
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