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Third Wednesday of Advent

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From today’s Scripture: “When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took his wife into his home.”—Mt 1:24

Both Joseph and Mary listened carefully to God. We know, Mary said “yes” to the angel Gabriel and in today’s Scripture, Joseph does not divorce Mary for being “found with child.” Instead, Joseph listens to God and discerns what to do. In the end, “he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took his wife into his home.”

A good question we can ask is, how does my family model that of the Holy Family? Are we listening to the will of God for us and for our children? Are we gathering as a family to pray together?  Are we educating our children in the faith and teaching them Christian values?

In Pope Francis’ letter about love in the family, Amoris Laetitia, he writes, “The family is thus the place where parents become their children’s first teachers in the faith.” Is our family the foundation that helps us respond to God’s love?

Let us pray: Together with my family, let us pray through the intercession of Mary and Joseph that we may hear the will of God in our lives.


Today’s author is Brother David Henley, who serves as Glenmary’s Associate Director of Vocations and is a missioner in Martin County, North Carolina.


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Glenmary Farm

at Joppa Mountain
1943 Joppa Mountain Road
Rutledge, TN 37861
There are two housing facilities on our 10-acre site with enough space to accommodate groups of up to 25 people. Each house has a main living area, toilet, and shower. All living quarters have central heating and cooling.