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8th Tuesday in Ordinary Time

Winter OT Email Header 2024-3

From today’s Scripture: “Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth; you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the Kingdom.”—Alleluia verse

One of the joys of watching my daughter grow up is being able to see the world through her eyes. She marvels at the feel of grass, the sound of an airplane flying overhead, the taste of a lemon! Things that I have taken for granted, she experiences with awe. It’s no wonder that God has revealed the mysteries of the Kingdom to little ones like my daughter. They see the world as the majesty of God’s creation without cynicism or apprehension.

Let us pray: Father, Lord of heaven and earth, grant me a childlike faith to look upon your Kingdom anew with wonder and awe.



Today’s author is Theresa Nguyen-Gillen, a member of Glenmary’s Communications Team, based in Nashville, Tennessee.


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Glenmary Farm

at Joppa Mountain
1943 Joppa Mountain Road
Rutledge, TN 37861
There are two housing facilities on our 10-acre site with enough space to accommodate groups of up to 25 people. Each house has a main living area, toilet, and shower. All living quarters have central heating and cooling.