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32nd Thursday in Ordinary Time

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From today’s Scripture: “The LORD gives sight to the blind. The LORD raises up those who were bowed down; the LORD loves the righteous.”—Ps 146:8-9

Sometimes I imagine God as far away, loving me from a distance and not very aware of my specific difficulties. But, the author of this Psalm sees God as close and aware of our condition and needs.

When Jesus started his public life, he told the disciples to be the hands and heart of God to the poor. Jesus wants to be close to us and wants us to be close to him and to live for other people. He likes unity, not division.

Let us pray: Jesus, remind me that you want to be as close to me as the air I breathe and you want our hearts to beat in unison.


Today’s author is Father Frank Ruff, former president of Glenmary, mission pastor, and Catholic representative to the Southern Baptist Convention.


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Glenmary Farm

at Joppa Mountain
1943 Joppa Mountain Road
Rutledge, TN 37861
There are two housing facilities on our 10-acre site with enough space to accommodate groups of up to 25 people. Each house has a main living area, toilet, and shower. All living quarters have central heating and cooling.