Second Thursday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

Second Thursday in Ordinary Time

Jesus, the healer

From today’s Scripture: “Jesus had healed many, so that all those who suffered from some evil leaned upon him to touch him.”—Mark 3:10

We all want to live in good health physically, psychologically and spiritually. Jesus is the physician of physicians. He can heal us, if we come into contact with him. To do this, we must first be willing to do so. Then we need the perseverance to walk through life with him.

To seek the healing help of Jesus, we must admit our human frailty and have the humility to acknowledge our weaknesses. Inflating our ego only leads us in the opposite direction.

Let us pray: Jesus, give us the humility we need to admit our weaknesses. Help us identify them and seek the healing power that only God can wield in our lives.



Today’s author is Omar Cabrera, coordinator of Spanish-language communications for Glenmary Home Missioners. This week’s reflections are translated from Spanish, also available by email.


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