34th Friday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

34th Friday in Ordinary Time

Holy longing

From today’s Scripture: “My soul yearns and pines for the courts of the Lord. My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.”—Ps 84:3

So much longing! To yearn implies a long wishing for God and the heavens. Is every day a yearning for God in my heart? Pining, too, implies a long wanting for something.

My heart and flesh crying out implies emotional waiting and longing for God. Do I take time to sit still and just want to be in the presence of my God? Do I turn to him in love and longing? Be still. God is here with you. Just long for him and be open to his presence.

Let us pray: Jesus, my Lord and my God, I long for you. I want you. I hunger and thirst for you. I want you more than anything else in my life. Never let me forget you.



Today’s author is Kathy O’Brien, Glenmary Lay Missioner, who has worked in our missions since 1971.



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